Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Worst Breakfast Ever

A friend asked me to write about the worst breakfast I have ever eaten. This is my entry, but let me preface it with a bit of background. I am a pretty picky eater. I can eat anything, but there are a lot of things I do not like.

I was on a trip to Dominica, staying with a local, eating whatever the lady of the house prepared. I had eaten pig snout soup, and pumpkin stew, and other indigenous dishes. I had been served a plate that had two small fish on it, whole fish that were about the size of bait back home, fried very crisp. When I asked my host how to eat them, from his plate he picked one up by the tail and bit the head off. I did the same.

After I had been there a week, my hostess announced that she was going to fix something American for my breakfast. She boiled some hot dogs--I don't like hot dogs. She sliced one of local small breads to use as a bun and put mustard on both sides--I do not like mustard. Next she took a tomato and sliced it. Half the slice was placed on one side of my hot dog--I really do not like tomatoes. The she sliced an onion and put half the slice on the other side of the hot dog--I detest onions. To top it off, my hostess drenched the whole thing with Thousand Island dressing--I do not like Thousand Island dressing at all!

When I took the first bite, it was all I could do to chew it, much less swallow it. Dressing was dripping from my wrist. It would have been better if I could have eaten it in one bite, but I had to struggle through the whole thing. It was the worst meal of my life!

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