Thursday, February 23, 2012

Don't Stop Too Soon!

I wonder how many potentially great projects do not become great simply because those involved give up on the idea because initial results were not very impressive. Many years ago a friend and brother in Christ suggested that we (the congregation where we both worshiped) host an International Students Luncheon on the campus of the community college where he taught and coached. He proposed we do this near Thanksgiving, since those students would not have a family nearby with whom to share the holiday.

We made some plans and recruited some others to assist. We promoted it on the campus. We had lots of food. We were excited. But that first event had only eleven students attend. They were grateful and we made a few friends. But it was not nearly the kind of result we had envisioned.

But being stubborn men, we decided that we could do better the second year, if we took better measures to spread the news and let others know what we had to offer. And we were right. We had about 20! Again we were disappointed.

I moved away from that town a few months before attempt number three, but my friend continued. I was aware that the name of the event was changed. Eventually it was moved to a time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. And a component to feed those in need was added. But still there were not a great number of participants, for a while.

I got to visit with my friend today. And I was overjoyed to hear of developments over the past few years. A teacher in an elementary school initiated a food drive in her class, and the food was donated to the project on the community college campus. That has grown to include food drives in seven other elementary and high schools in the district. And another congregation has come into work with the original one.

Last year the event fed over 500 people, and 125 families were assisted with Christmas needs.

Think about that. What would those folks have done if the project had been shelved because we only had eleven folks attend the first luncheon? It surely makes me appreciate those folks who keep doing what they can. And it makes me want to keep doing what I can.

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